
Homework 10

I agree with the writer.
First, I think the Internet prevent reading books. Internet sentences are often strange. We always see these sentences. It is bad effect.
Second, I think cellphone novels are bad too. I have ever read cellphone novel, but it was so strange Japanese. It was so childish sentences, so I was very tired. I don't want to read any more.
Third, since 2002, classes decreased in public school. I think YUTORI education was mistake of government.

Homework 9

I agree the author. Because, recently the word ''sosyoku kei danshi'' is famous. I think it is bad trend. I don't like ladylike man.


Homework 8

1.Have you ever eaten in a restaurant in a foreign country? Where? What did you eat? Did you make any mistakes? Please explain your experience.
I haven't eaten in a restaurant that we need table manner. But, I learned table manner in this class, so I want to go to these restaurants.

2. Did you learn anything?
I think table manner is the way to eat something deliciously. I think we need atmosphere for meal.


Homework 7

1.Since Japanese weddings are expensive, do you think having a massive wedding like Korea or UAE is a good idea? Why?
I think it is good to have massive wedding, because couple have to enjoy attendance. But I don't want to have massive wedding, because I don't want to spend our money only wedding. I want to spend this money for honeymoon.

2. What do you think about eloping? Is it a good idea or romantic? Why?
I can't agree with eloping. Eloping is escaping.

3. Have you ever thought about having a wedding in a foreign location like Hawaii? Would you do it? Why?Or Why not?
I don't want to have a wedding in a foreign location, because I think attendance will be in trouble about their money to trip.

4.What is your ideal wedding?
I invite only close people.

5.What would you definitely do, wear or go to on that big day? Why is that important?
I want to have a wedding according to Shinto rites in Miyajima and I want to wear white kimono. Wedding is important because (maybe) only once in our life.

6. Have you ever been to a foreigner's wedding? What was your impression?
No, I have never been to these wedding.


Homework 6

1.Do you think it is important to talk about superstitions in cross culture communication class? Why?
I think it is important to talk about superstitions, because I think sometimes superstitions explain religious and cultural meanings.

2.Is communication affected by superstitions?
I don't think so. I think superstitions are affected by communication.

3.Do you believe in superstitions? If yes, what superstitions do you believe?Why do you do, use, or believe in them?
No. I don't know a lot of superstitions.


1. Please explain a time proverb in your culture.
I don't know so much time proverb in Japan, but I think Japanese think time is very important.

2. What do the following proverbs mean:

a. Time is money.
Time is very effectively and precious, so we mustn't waste of time.

b. A stitch in time saves nine.
I have never heard it. We need a carefulness.

c. There's no time like the present.
Time is always busy.

d.Let's meet at 4. If I'm not there by 5, leave without me at 6, and I'll be there at 7.
I can't understand this mean... Meeting time is needless.(?)


Homework 4

1. What are some subjects that you will never discuss with a friend?
I will never discuss about real intention. It is not necessarily to say own all feelings.

2. Do you have different friends for different parts of your life? If so, how are they different to you? Do you talk about different things? Go to different places? Give me some examples.
I think when I spend with best friend, I can enjoy whatever to do. but, generally, I have different friends.